Conservation Advisory Council 110 Bracken Road Montgomery, NY 12549
Fourth Tuesday of the Month 6:30PM Walden Village Hall (2nd Floor)
The Annual Riverkeeper Sweep is a day of service for the Hudson and Wallkill. Project goals include cleanup, removal of invasive plants, and many other restoration projects.
Riverkeeper Website
Use the links below to see more information and photos from past events.
Riverkeeper Sweep 2025 Route 416 and I-84 Overpass to remove trash near Wallkill River Saturday, May 3, 2025 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Montgomery, NY
Riverkeeper Sweep 2013 Wallkill River and Tin Brook Shoreline Cleanup Saturday, May 11, 2013 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM Walden, NY Click Here for Photos
Riverkeeper Sweep 2014 Wallkill River Cleanup Saturday, May 10, 2014 from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM We met on River Road between Walden and Montgomery 200 River Road Walden, NY 12549 More photos of Riverkeeper Sweep 2014
Items were collected from three different sites on the Wallkill River:
We met at the Twin Islands Fishing Park
Riverkeeper Sweep 2015 Wallkill River Cleanup Saturday, May 9, 2015 (10 AM -Noon) We met at the corner of Albany Post Rd, and Route 17K. Thanks to all of you that came out to help.
We had 13 participate in this event. We collected 27 bags of trash, five tires and numerous other items which amounted to about 1410 tons of trash/recycling. Other items: 2 kids' pools, carpet, pesticide sprayer, rubber boots, portable chair, air compressor, box springs, mini blinds, 2 large plastic crates, 2 tree tubes Most common items: beverage containers, Styrofoam, large black plastic bags
Riverkeeper Sweep 2016 This year the Town of Montgomery Conservation Council (CAC) cleaned up the Town of Montgomery Riverfront park on Farm Meadow Lane and the Walden Maple Street Boat Launch on Maple Street. The event was on May 7th from 10 am to 1:00 pm. Thanks to all those that came out to help us clean up these 2 parks.
Volunteers met at Riverfront Park (located off Bailey Road on Farm Meadow Lane). We asked all Sweep volunteers to wear sturdy shoes or boots, clothing that they can get dirty, and to bring a hat, gloves, a reusable water bottle, and snacks. This site was suitable for elementary-aged children with proper adult supervision.
For more photos click here. A special thanks to members Pat Henighan and Heather Barnum for setting this up.
Riverkeeper Sweep 2017 This year the Town of Montgomery Conservation Council (CAC) cleaned up the Town of Montgomery Riverfront park on Farm Meadow Lane and along the river on Route 416 by the Route 84 overpass. The event was on May 6th from 10 am to 1:00 pm.
Volunteers met at Riverfront Park (located off Bailey Road on Farm Meadow Lane). We asked that all Sweep volunteers wear sturdy shoes or boots, clothing that they can get dirty, and to bring a hat, gloves, a reusable water bottle, and snacks. This site was suitable for elementary-aged children with proper adult supervision.
Sites: Riverfront Park and Rt. 416 at I-84 overpass; unofficial off River Rd. Volunteers: 12 adults and 15 youth = 27 volunteers Organizations: Boy scout troop 31 Big bags of trash 10 X 30 lbs. = 300 lbs. Small bags 23 x 15 lbs. = 45 lbs. Bags of recycling 6 x 15 lbs, = 70 lbs. Tires 2 x 20 lbs. = 40 lbs. Other items : shoes, car parts, grate, potty, large toy truck, bucket, crate = 50 lbs. TOTAL WEIGHT = 505 lbs. Most common items collected : Styrofoam, plastic and glass bottles