Trees for Tribs

Do Something Special for the Wallkill River


Join us to help maintain trees planted in previous years!
We will be inspecting trees planted in prior years, removing the support tubes for larger trees, and removing weeds that may be choking smaller trees.


TBD Spring 2025

Presented By
N.Y.S. DEC “Trees for Tribs” & The TOM Conservation Advisory Council

Call 845-764-0763 or email [email protected]
for more information and to register

Older Trees for Tribs
The Montgomery CAC has hosted Trees for Tribs events for over 10 years. Trees have been planted along the banks of the Wallkill River at Benedict Farm Park and the Tin Brook. Here are some of the photos from our older events!

Spring 2012 Trees for Trips
We planted at two locations in Walden this year on the Tin Brook. With the help of 60+ volunteers, we planted 200 trees and shrubs along the Tin Brook in Walden, New York on May 6th, 2012. We met at Wooster Grove Park at Noon and after planting about 65 trees and shrubs there we then went and planted the rest of the trees and shrubs along the Tin Brook in Walden Estates. Below is how we decided where to plant this year and how it looked before the plantings.

October 2013 Trees for Tribs
On October 19th, 2013 we once again were involved in the Trees for Tribs program. We planted more trees and shrubs at Walden Estates near the area we planted in last year.

Location: Walden Estates in Walden, New York 12586 near the Tin Brook (click here for map)
Date: October 19, 2013
Time: 10 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.

A special thanks to all the volunteers that came out this year to help make this a great success and to the Walden Dept. of Parks for cleaning up the area before we planted.

2014 Trees for Tribs
On April 27th the Town of Montgomery CAC sponsored the N.Y.S. DEC. "Trees for Tribs" at the Town of Montgomery Benedict Farm Park. We planted trees and shrubs along the Wallkill River. Click here to see the flyer for the April 27th planting. We did an additional planting of trees and shrubs on November 1st, 2014. Click here for a copy of the flyer. We'd like to thank all those from our community, including Troop 31, that came out to help us this year.

2016 Trees for Tribs
Thanks to all those that came out to help us plant the trees at the Town of Montgomery Benedict Farm Park on October 30th, 2016. Click here to see more photos of our tree planting or click on the picture below.

2017 Trees for Tribs
Thanks to all of you that came out and helped us do something special for the Wallkill River at Montgomery Benedict Farm Park. We planted 105 trees along the Wallkill in the park on September 24th, 2017 between 10 am and Noon. Click here for more photos from our planting on 9/24/2017

2019 Trees for Tribs
Thank you to the Town Residents who participated in the TOM CAC Trees for Tribs planting event on September 29 2019! it was a huge success. Thanks also to NYSDEC “Trees for Tribs” program for the Trees and the TOM Highway Department for logistic support!

2020 Trees for Tribs
Volunteers met for a socially distanced TOM CAC Trees for Tribs tree maintenance event on November 1, 2020. Everyone wore masks while they inspected previously planted trees in Benedict Farm Park for survivorship, cleared weeds and climbing vines from the trees and tree bases, and removed the protective tubes where trees had matured sufficiently.

2024 Trees for Tribs
Photos from Trees to Tribs event held on 4/21/2024